2023 Sermons

2023 Sunday Sermons with Pastor Ken Sistrunk 


The beginning of the year finishes up the book of 1 Corinthians.

From 2/19/2023 through 7/23/2023 is a series on 2 Corinthians.

The last sermon on 2 Corinthians starts a 6 week series on Koinonia.

In September there is a 4 part series on Dove-Vine Intervention based on John 14 - 16.

October starts Back to Cool for 10 weeks dealing with anger issues.

There are also 2 Christmas sermons, 1 Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, and a couple guest speakers.

No note sheet this week as we have a guest speaker. Janet Nickel works in Sierra Leone fighting against human trafficking.

We had technical difficulties with the speakers at the beginning of this video. I thought about editing it out, but thought maybe it would give a feel of being there. Although there is nothing that can replace being at a service in person.

I want to encourage you that if you don't go to a live service, please consider going to one. The worship was really good this morning as it is on other mornings, but it doesn't come through on the recording. Maybe it's because you can't hear the congregation singing or that all our missed notes seem to be highlighted. (When tears are coming to my eyes while worshiping Jesus, it is hard to always hit the right notes.)

There is something that happens when we connect with others in the body of Christ. If you can, go to a service in person and connect with believers. If you can't make it to an in-person service, invite friends to come watch it with you.