Sunday Sermons with Pastor Ken Sistrunk
Our current sermon series is called "The Ology Islands". It is a study of basic biblical Christian theology (beliefs).
Scroll down to see a summary of what each year's sermons cover.
Thank You for checking out our sermon videos. There is something that happens when we connect with others in the body of Christ. If you can, go to a service in person. If you can't make it to an in-person service, invite friends to come watch it with you. If you have any questions or comments about the service, please let us know.
We have fill-in the blank and completed note sheets to use while watching the videos.
Watch the videos here, on our Facebook page or on our YouTube page.
Let us know what you think about the sermon: insights, questions, comments. Send a message to or on our Facebook or YouTube page under the video.
2025 Sermon Page
We started out the year with a short series called "The Expectations of New".
After that he will go back to "The Ology Islands" and finish up the Holy Spirit (Pneuma Island) study.
2024 Sermon Page
Our current sermon series is called "The Ology Islands". It is a study of basic biblical Christian theology (beliefs). This series started on 8/11/2024.
The beginning of the year through 8/4/2024 is a series on Proverbs.
There are also stand alone sermons: Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, Guest Speakers, etc.
We finished the year with a Christmas series on the names/titles of Jesus from Isaiah 9:6.
2023 Sermon Page
The beginning of the year finishes up the book of 1 Corinthians.
From 2/19/2023 through 7/23/2023 is a series on 2 Corinthians.
The last sermon on 2 Corinthians starts a 6 week series on Koinonia.
In September there is a 4 part series on Dove-Vine Intervention based on John 14 - 16.
October starts Back to Cool for 10 weeks dealing with anger issues.
There are also 2 Christmas sermons, 1 Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, and a couple guest speakers.
2022 Sermon Page
The beginning of the year finishes up the book of Romans starting with chapter 11.
In April is a 3 week series for Easter.
After Easter is a series going through 1 Corinthians which finishes up in 2023.
December has a 3 week Christmas series.
There is also a Thanksgiving, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Homecoming, and a couple guest speakers.
2021 Sermon Page
The theme is the Year of Maturity.
From January through July was a study of Proverbs.
A study of the book of Romans took up the rest of the year and finishes in 2022.
There is also a Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, and a couple guest speakers
2020 Sermon Page
Pre-Covid shut down is audio of the sermons only. Post Covid shut down is video of the whole service. Our first day back in church was Mother's Day.
The theme for the year was 2020 Vision.
The year starts with a series on Sight which then goes into a Seeing series that includes Easter.
June started the Vision series. At the end of September through the rest of the year there was a series called Paul's View which also included Thanksgiving and Christmas.
There are also a few guest speaker videos.
2019 Sermon Page
These are all just the audio of only the sermon.
Most of the year goes through the book of John chapters 1 to 12.
Easter covers John 20-21.
There is a 2 part Thanksgiving series.
December is the Christmas Prophecy series.
There is also a 2 part series in October concerning LGBT issues.
There were a couple sermons by guest speakers.